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F.A.1199.72-3 - Mummy Bundle (Child) - Shirt
Catalog Number: F.A.1199.72-3
Object Name/Descriptor Mummy Bundle (Child) - Shirt
Provenience South America, Peru, Northern Coast
Culture/People/Style Chimu
Period A.D. 900 - 1430
Date Accessioned 1972
Material Type(s) Cloth
Length (cm) 69
Width (cm) 64
Other Information

Luis Adalberto Facundo Gomez del Campo Bacardi, Lord of Bayfield Hall was born in Cuba in 1933 and died in Monte Carlo in 2005. Since his name was so long, he was known to all and everywhere as Lord Luis Bacardi. His life was a veritable novel.

Luis was the great-grand-son of Facundo Bacardi Masso who laid the foundations of the now world famous empire of spirits, on 4 February 1862 in Santiago de Cuba.
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