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A.4515.30-58 - Shaft Straightener
Catalog Number: A.4515.30-58
Object Name/Descriptor Shaft Straightener
Provenience North America, USA, Utah, San Juan County, Desha Canyon, Desha Cave 2
Culture/People/Style Ancestral/Ancient Pueblo People (Anasazi)
Material Type(s) Animal - Horn/Antler (Mountain Goat)
Length (cm) 25
Width (cm) 10
Diameter (cm) 9.91
Other Information Associated Text from the Native American Hall (1992-2006):

Basketmaker Caves
This atlatl shaft straightener is made from a mountain sheep’s horn.

Preservation and Perception
The factor of preservation in the archaeological record exerts a great influence on how the past is viewed. Textiles, pottery vessels, and lapidary arts from various Pueblo sites are shown. All three art forms have long histories within the Pueblo tradition. However, because pottery is often preserved complete in the archaeological record it is the best known.
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